
3 ways to donate:

  • Write a cheque to the church for: St. Mina and St. Cyril & St. Karas Coptic Orthodox Church

  • Send an etransfer (through your bank) to:

  • Donate with Paypal using your Paypal account or credit card by clicking on the button below

For tax receipts, please remember that:

  1. If you decide to write a cheque, please include your contact information*
  2. If you decide to send an etransfer: write in the comment your contact information*
  3. If you decide to donate via Paypal  please send an email to stating the donation date, the email used to make the donation and your contact information* 

*Contact Information includes: full name,  address, phone number and email address.

Write a cheque to the church: 

St. Mina and St. Cyril & St. Karas Coptic Orthodox Church

Send an etransfer (through your bank) to:

Donate with Paypal using your Paypal account or credit card by clicking on the button above

For tax receipts, please remember that:

  1. If you decide to write a cheque, please include your contact information*
  2. If you decide to send an etransfer: write in the comment your contact information*
  3. If you decide to donate via Paypal  please send an email to stating the donation date, the email used to make the donation and your contact information* 

*Contact Information includes: full name,  address, phone number and email address.